What is Bio-CNG?
Bio-CNG, or bio-compressed natural gas, is a renewable and sustainable fuel derived from organic waste materials, including agricultural waste, food waste, and sewage sludge.
Gross Calorific Value

11500 ~ 12500 Kcal/kg

Carbon dioxide

0.789 g/cm3

Specific Gravity




Bio-CNG Manufacturing Process

The production of Bio-CNG involves anaerobic digestion, a natural biological process occurring in the absence of oxygen. Microorganisms break down organic matter into biogas, comprising methane, carbon dioxide, and trace gases. This biogas undergoes purification and compression to produce Bio-CNG, sharing similar properties with traditional compressed natural gas (CNG).

Bio-CNG Applications

Bio-CNG, a low-carbon fuel, serves as a versatile substitute for fossil fuels in applications spanning transportation, heating, and electricity generation. Its compatibility with existing natural gas infrastructure and vehicles offers a cost-effective and practical solution, contributing significantly to emissions reduction in the transportation and other sectors.

Difference b/w Bio-CNG and CNG


This eco-friendly fuel not only addresses the challenge of organic waste disposal but also contributes to the circular economy by harnessing the energy potential of biomass. The production process, rooted in anaerobic digestion, not only yields a clean and renewable energy source but also aids in waste management. Bio-CNG’s adaptability to existing natural gas infrastructure and vehicles enhances its practicality, positioning it as a viable and environmentally conscious solution for reducing carbon emissions in various sectors.

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